oxygen machiningの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
  1. Many can't return home because they lack power to run oxygen machines.
  2. Electricity is needed to run oxygen machines and other essential medical equipment.
  3. His oxygen machine and heart monitor lay dismantled in the living room.
  4. Last week, Nomcebo Ndlovu sipped each breath from an oxygen machine.
  5. He is OK sitting at the parimutuel window, his oxygen machine at his side.


  1. "oxygen lead"の例文
  2. "oxygen leak"の例文
  3. "oxygen level"の例文
  4. "oxygen line"の例文
  5. "oxygen logging"の例文
  6. "oxygen manifold"の例文
  7. "oxygen mask"の例文
  8. "oxygen mask system"の例文
  9. "oxygen masks"の例文
  10. "oxygen measurement"の例文
  11. "oxygen line"の例文
  12. "oxygen logging"の例文
  13. "oxygen manifold"の例文
  14. "oxygen mask"の例文

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